Friday, August 26, 2011


My mom asks me to stop taking piano lessons. She says I don't practise the pieces. I'm upset. I enjoy playing the piano. I do. And it's not that I don't want to practise the pieces. It's just that when I come back home from school, I don't want to think about anything anymore.

It's like you had a tough time in school, cracking your brain and squeezing the brain juice outta you to complete one project, and when you come back home, you just want to relax and release stress. You just don't want to think anymore. You want to let your brain rest.

That's how I feel. Which is why, I play the piano. I play the piano to release stress. And to release stress, I obviously play the pieces that I'm familiar with so that I won't need to think about what notes to play, the beat and rhythm..etc. I just needed to play something and distract myself.

And now my mom says that she wants me to stop taking piano lessons because I don't practise my pieces. She asks my sister to stop, too. The thing is, my sister doesn't mind. She plays the violin too. Whereas I don't. I only play the piano.

I wonder if my parents are going to sell my piano away. I hope not. I certainly don't want to go crazy. I need the piano. I need it. They can't take it away from me. They can't.

I'll be bubble dye-ing my hair tomorrow to cover my white hairs. Will blog about it :) and oh, this webpage is going to look a little weird as I'm changing my blogskin.


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